The Antidote for Our Times - The great outdoors

The rhythm of time flows differently when hiking boots stir the leaf litter, the trees squeak spooky messages in the wind, the sun splashes through the trees, and campfires crackle.

Long distance hikers love this ambiance. We revert to the circadian rhythms of our ancient ancestors. In the woods, the rigidity of railroad time gives way to the ancient and more traditional rise and fall of the sun.

We awaken at dawn and sleep when it gets dark known as “hiker midnight.” Returning to our brain’s original factory settings feels healthful and natural. Out there, time keeps itself and a watch doesn’t matter.

For many of us, we live in times that try men’s souls to paraphrase Thomas Paine. The daily grind is brutal. Divided algorithmic public discourse is worse. Alchohol (pan líquido – liquid bread in Panamanian slang) becomes the Roman bread while evermore so, sports serve as the circus. Sadly, these are intentional features, not bugs.

The deafening silence of nature quenches the crescendo of civilization. It’s the antidote for our times.

We’ve spent the past several weeks doing woodsy stuff. It’s helped redirect our minds and attention towards peaceful pursuits and away from the death march toward history that surrounds us.

To all, we would say, “Come on in. Join us. The water’s fine!”

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Thomas, thank you for collecting your thoughts in one place.

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Charlie Peters would be .....?

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"The tragedy in Gaza is endless. The Middle East feels like it is teetering. Putin’s war in Ukraine drags on. The hard right—not cautiously conservative, but blindly reactionary—seems in control in places like Iran and India. Too often it uses the trappings of religion or ideology to oppress others, especially women and minority groups. Putin kills his critics. The Chinese government crams Uighurs into slave labor camps."

All of this has been occurring with Biden in the White House, not Trump. I'm not a fan of the latter, but I don't really recall seeing this collective gnashing of teeth over the last few years when all of this was going on. How much did Biden truly restrain the IDF as they continue their murderous attacks in Gaza? How much can Trump be blamed for the NATO's reckless expansion eastward, despite ample warnings from Putin that this was crossing the reddest of red lines (a warning echoed by William Burns, the current head of the CIA). This administration's latest decision to sell long-range missiles to Ukraine is reckless in the extreme.

Trump is as much a consequence as a cause.

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So true...and you left out the changes to culture caused by technology: many younger than 50 can't read with any subtlety, and they don't try. (I'll be 83 tomorrow -- an old fart, I suppose.)

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