The Vietnam happened because a lot of people have no business getting involved in other people's affairs. Was the Vietnam war the result of the northern communist Vietnamese slowly taking over south Vietnam and then there was tragic burning of a monk opposed to a corrupted Catholic government regime and leader... Were these the reasons for America to go to war ?
The war ended with over 58,000 of my buddies ending up on that wall in Washington and over 3 million Vietnamese killed .and we dropped more than 3 times the armaments on Vietnam than we did on all that destruction on Europe in world war two ..
I remember listening to Madam Diem coming to America with her beautiful daughter addressing a class at Harvard University in the early 60's saying ,
"Please stay out of our country you are only making things worse . We can take care of things ,, the more you do they more we have problems ,,go home , please go home ," so there you have it ,JFK reluctantly sending adviser, and soon LBJ faking a Vietnam attack on American ships in the Gulf of Tomkin .the Vietnam War
50 years later Vietnam is a communist country,, walk in any retail store in America and you will find good products made in and from Vietnam.
To this day I remember,',please stay out of our country,, go home ,, go home ." .and now I think how those 58,000+ guys on that wall would have made our lives a lot better and different.
Tim is 100% right about Charles Trueheart’s book. It’s excellent.
The Vietnam happened because a lot of people have no business getting involved in other people's affairs. Was the Vietnam war the result of the northern communist Vietnamese slowly taking over south Vietnam and then there was tragic burning of a monk opposed to a corrupted Catholic government regime and leader... Were these the reasons for America to go to war ?
The war ended with over 58,000 of my buddies ending up on that wall in Washington and over 3 million Vietnamese killed .and we dropped more than 3 times the armaments on Vietnam than we did on all that destruction on Europe in world war two ..
I remember listening to Madam Diem coming to America with her beautiful daughter addressing a class at Harvard University in the early 60's saying ,
"Please stay out of our country you are only making things worse . We can take care of things ,, the more you do they more we have problems ,,go home , please go home ," so there you have it ,JFK reluctantly sending adviser, and soon LBJ faking a Vietnam attack on American ships in the Gulf of Tomkin .the Vietnam War
50 years later Vietnam is a communist country,, walk in any retail store in America and you will find good products made in and from Vietnam.
To this day I remember,',please stay out of our country,, go home ,, go home ." .and now I think how those 58,000+ guys on that wall would have made our lives a lot better and different.
Vietnam Veteran 1966-69