When I worked for the DC office of a global PR firm, we handled publicity for the Alger Award. One year, it was given to Paul Bremer, former viceroy of Iraq. I had to do a phone interview with him. I spent the entire call wanting to ask him why he’d thought disbanding the Iraqi Army was a good idea. But I didn’t, because I liked having a job.

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I think you mean to reference Alger as a possible "hebephile" rather than pedophile. Apparently his one documented instance included a 13 and 15 year old. This is a phase of adolescence, so as you are a writer, and presumably a lover of words and meaning, you may want to address your term of "pedophile" to the correct term "hebophile". This same error was applied by journalists towards Epstein. I am not emphasizing this as a way to take focus from a sexual deviation in Ager's, but to correct how writers/authors/journalists take on this term.

Personally, I think a pedophile is a greater transgression - and evil. The hebophle is also problematic, immoral and illegal, yet not exactly the same thing. The distinction being a child (pre pubscent) vs adolescent.

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Thanks, these are not distinctions I was aware of, or if I was, I forgot them.

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sorry, as a victim of multiple different sexual predators over my lifetime beginning at age 3-5 years--pedophile to me is anyone older than 18-20 molesting any child of either sex under the age of 15-16, depending.

I was actually raped as a still sexually naive 15 year old by a 32 yr old who'd "mildly" molested me since I was 8-10 so yes I call him a pedophile even though he was waiting until he considered me "ripe" at the age of 15 exactly before completing the crime.

Vocabulary words are just bs by sexual predators to avoid any or al punishment for their behavior and actions.

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Knew who H. Alger was and a bit of his bio, but was unaware of an association bearing his name, the tag line for which is apparently 'Honoring Perseverance, Integrity and Excellence'. Guess I need look no farther for an explanation as to Herschel Walker's inclusion this year, eh?

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Only pedophiles make that distinction.

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holy sh*t!!

Just found this & guess it's understandable that I'm not super-shocked really...guess reality and true historical revelations and REVISIONS over a lifetime tend to cause us all to become jaded naturally...

Thanks for the well thought out & written article!

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