I would argue that there are several good sources as good as the post. Cancelling, as I have just done, sends a clear message to Bezos. As a former newspaper reporter myself, my decision was done with a fair amount of pain. But cowardice is cowardice, and I can't bring myself to reward it with silence when the stakes are so high.

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After reading several comments from several Wapo reporters on Twitter (do I have to call it X?), I am relenting and will resubscribe. They all have pointed out the obvious, which escaped me at the time because I was so angry at Jeff Bezos, that canceling hurts the newsroom, not the owner. The reporters vow to do what they do, no matter who wins. That takes real courage, despite the abject lack of it demonstrated by the weak guy at the helm.

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I fear it might be too late. Just saw on the odious X: -- 60K cancellations so far.




A friend who works for #WaPo marketing dept says there's a #WaPoMeltDown in their business unit following the news as digital subscriptions cancellations have hit 60k barely 8 hrs after decision not to endorse. Cancellation rate is unprecedented and we're barely 24 hours into it.

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Excellent points!

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I will continue to subscribe to the LA Times for the reasons you cite. But I also access Twitter (X) and I find it useful and entertaining. BUT, I only follow a few centrist pundits (Yglesias, Smith, Weismann, Sullivan, et. al. ... usually former Slate and TNR writers), and I NEVER read "replies" from the great unwashed. And I don't pay for it (maybe indirectly via advertising revenue) so don't feel I'm particularly lining Musk's pocket (and he's lost a mint on X).

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I do take your point about newspapers with the resources to do what the Post does in the way of reporting and the practical need to keep them financially healthy through subscriptions. But as a lifelong, non-ideological Independent voter who until 2016 voted the candidate and not the party, resulting in many a split ticket over 5 decades of ballots, I see supporting the Post under the ownership of Bezos and in light of his cynical and cowardly inaction similarly to how I see the current political moment in this country.

To wit... every vote for a Republican for any office at any level anywhere is a signal to the GOP and all its members that what they're doing - and have been doing since Trump came to own them - is working. Consequently, since elections are supposed to have consequences (those consequences not necessarily being limited to what happens to the *electorate* afterward), in the interest not only of protecting and preserving democracy in my country but of contributing to the only modus operandi with a chance of changing the GOP's behavior, the Rs will - once again - be getting nothing from me in the way of support. Zero. Zip. Nada. My one-man effort to banish them to the political wilderness. Or as Tucker Carlson might say, let them know "Daddy's home!" Even if it's only one pissed off Dad.

I don't and haven't subscribed to the Post for a very long time for a number of reasons. But if I did, I'd now cancel, if reluctantly or sadly due to the reasons you cited, because every subscription dollar is to Bezos as every vote is to the GOP: a signal that what he's doing is just fine and dandy. And it's not. By a long shot.

It's certainly his prerogative as the owner to do or not do as he pleases about this. But so it is mine to not support and affirm - what was it you called him yesterday? Oh, yeah: America's richest little bitch.

Daddy's home, Jeff. And he just wants to say he'd actually have more respect for you if you'd just strap on a pair of knee pads (probably can get a good deal on some from Amazon) and go full fluffer and endorse Trump. At least then you could make the argument that you've got enough of a pair between your legs to stand up for *something* and that Timothy here should get off your back and stop calling you a little bitch.

And he probably should, since everybody knows you're really just that which Trump loves to grab the most. Next to power anyway.

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“I promise you that long after Amazon,com is forgotten Bezos will be remembered only as the wealthiest among that class of billionaires and other eminent Americans whose cowardice helped clear Trump’s path back to power.”

By not issuing an endorsement in a newspaper that is almost exclusively read by liberals? “Long after Amazon is forgotten?” So, somewhere between 50 and 100 years from now, Bezos is more remembered for failing to issue a newspaper endorsement than for owning one of the most successful businesses in American history, that delivered packaging to nearly everyone, and streaming to millions?

Man, take a couple of days and ignore Twitter.

I agree with the rest of it. People should support a good, comprehensive and typically liberal paper and punish Bezos in other ways. The Post is important.

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