I think all parties should have big tents, but it's obvious you prefer exclusiveness, so maybe you can convince those biggies that we need to dramatically reduce income inequality in order for democracy to survive. Our sacred founding fathers suffered a much lower standard of living, far closer to the masses of genuine humanity, which many have argued provided the prospect that beyond the "free" land, the weather, insulating seas, submissive original residents, the promise of America was what spurred so much development here, not bizarre notions about taxation. The working class is perhaps the core that is needed, but we are a team if we wnt to succeed. Uncivil wars are dead ends.
I think all parties should have big tents, but it's obvious you prefer exclusiveness, so maybe you can convince those biggies that we need to dramatically reduce income inequality in order for democracy to survive. Our sacred founding fathers suffered a much lower standard of living, far closer to the masses of genuine humanity, which many have argued provided the prospect that beyond the "free" land, the weather, insulating seas, submissive original residents, the promise of America was what spurred so much development here, not bizarre notions about taxation. The working class is perhaps the core that is needed, but we are a team if we wnt to succeed. Uncivil wars are dead ends.