More like the Anti-Christ. Whether it's really the End of Times, the false prophets, they are abounding.

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He may have meant the Golden Shower Age

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Personally, I cannot believe that this FOP, SOP and SOT, given the amount of illegal and legal drugs he’s being shot up with and snorted throughout his debauched so-called life is still even ALIVE!?! “Take he and his wife, please..!” And Melly, whatever statement you were trying to make but couldn’t pull off—looked ridiculously absurd! But your looks and outfit is what you and your hubby are putting we righteous Americans through, “The Ridiculously Absurd…” Oh yes, there are tapes…with donald actually saying he rigged the election. Heard it. Saw it. I think the lil NYC transplant sewer rat juuuuust may have done so. I hope “THEY” if there are any ‘they’ left—oughta investigate this. Well, for the time being many lawsuits have been filed the second you stated “I will..!” You’ll have to answer to them trumpie—we’re gonna jam you up throughout your stint and hopefully someone will take seriously your admittance that you and that “Space Case”—“RIGGED the election” in which I take very, VERY seriously, you withering olde Harpie!!! Or, we can just hope that you get so damned frustrated with such an important job that you definitely cannot slothfully execute,that you burst a vital artery…a death blow, indeed!! But hey, I’ll take WHATEVVA takes you down…

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Personally, I cannot believe that this FOP, SOP and SOT, given the amount of illegal and legal drugs he’s being shot up with is still even ALIVE!?! “Take he and he wife, please..!” And Melly, whatever statement you were trying to make but couldn’t pull off—looked ridiculously absurd! But your looks and outfit is what you and your hubby are putting we righteous Americans through, “The Ridiculously Absurd…” Oh yes, there are tapes…with donald actually saying he rigged the election. Heard it. Saw it. I think the lil NYC transplant sewer rat juuuuust may have done so. I hope “THEY” if there are any ‘they’ left—oughta investigate this. Well, for the time being many lawsuits have been filed the second you stated “I will..!” You’ll have to answer to them trumpie—we’re gonna jam you up throughout your stint and hopefully someone will take seriously your admittance that you and that “Space Case” RIGGED the election” in which I take very, VERY seriously, you withering olde Harpie!!! Or, we can just hope that you get so damned frustrated and burst a vital artery…a death blow, indeed.

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Thank you! I didn't watch the inauguration. Instead, I watched a beautiful tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King on Prime.

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