Hi, Timothy. I have had an eerily similar experience with AT&T. I emailed the At&T CEO and eventually i received a reply from an underling. The promises made by that guy were never kept. Unlike you, I haven't the resolve and energy to write about it. Not only did the company's lack of care for its customers yield nothing, I wasted 14 hours of time trying to resolve the problem.--on menu and phone hell trying to find a person who could help me. I paid my computer consultant $500 which AT&T told me would be credited to my account. If i heard those fake typewriter keys clicking for one more second i was going to throw my cell phone against a brick wall. Could you reply with your email. I want to forward you the email to the CEO. You've inspired me. I might take action but first i have to figure out why, after all that, At&T is sending me monthly bills. Too difficult to explain on a saturday night. the thought of having to get on the phone with ATT to resolve that issue is just too much for me to bear. Carol Felsenthal carol@felsenthal.net

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Carol, So sorry to hear it. I'm too pooped from my own misadventure to acquaint myself with yours, but you have my sympathies.

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