The GOP's secret fondness for inflation, how Hertz muddies the difference between success and failure, and a bad law that lets Republicans cancel regulations more easily than Democrats.
My December so far.
On December 1, I posted a New Republic piece that listed the various ways Republicans secretly love inflation. Mostly, of course, they love it as a club to beat Democrats with, but they also love it because their business constituents love it. You can read that here.
On December 8, I posted a New Republic piece about Hertz and why its success these days on Wall Street looks like failure everyplace else. You can read that here.
Today I posted a New Republic piece about the Congressional Review Act, a legacy of the Contract With America that allows Congress to cancel regulations under circumstances that favor Republicans more than Democrats. You can read that here.
On November 29, I interviewed Sarah Chayes about her book, On Corruption in America, for a Politics & Prose Zoom thing. You can watch that here.
Last night, I moderated a panel on political polarization sponsored by the Network for Responsible Public Policy. You can watch that here.